Copyright supervision – there is really no quality control of the work done by builders. This is the supervision of the implementation of the interior project, which, when chosen, avoids deviations from the agreed ideas.

By choosing a project with author’s supervision, the interior designer can solve the problems that have arisen in the course of the work, ensure that the construction works will correspond to the project created and coordinated with you. This is the best solution to the question – what to do when questions arise, how to implement one or another unforeseen idea, how to remove the obstacles that have arisen faster and more effectively. Also, to make the most acceptable decisions for all parties, to provide workers with qualified consultation. Author supervision ensures more accurate, and often even better quality work of builders. 

Often during construction, small changes are made to room sizes, opening locations, and decor materials. In order to maintain the harmonious whole created in the project, during the author’s supervision of the project, our team will make sure that the most suitable decisions are made, which will help to maintain the aesthetic image, adjusting the changes.