Exterior visualizations are digital images of the exterior of a building, structure or landscape. 

Exterior renderings can be used for a variety of purposes, such as marketing materials for real estate developments, urban planning project presentations, or as part of an architectural design portfolio. They are often used to help stakeholders visualize how a building or landscape will look before construction begins, allowing for changes and adjustments to be made before any actual building begins.

Architectural visualizations are important for several reasons:

  • Visualization of Design Concepts: Architectural visualizations show exactly how a building or space will look before it is built. It allows architects, engineers and clients to visualize design concepts and make necessary changes or improvements.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Architectural visualizations are often used for marketing and advertising purposes. They can be used to promote new developments or to showcase the design of an existing building or space. These visualizations can be used in brochures, websites and other marketing materials to attract potential customers or investors.
  • Communicating with clients: Architectural visualizations are an effective way to communicate design ideas to clients. Visualizations can help clients better understand design concepts and provide them with feedback and information about a project.
  • Planning and Approval: Architectural visualizations can be used to obtain planning and approval permits. City officials and planning boards often require visual representations of proposed buildings or spaces before granting approval.
  • Cost-effective: Architectural visualizations are a cost-effective way to show a building or space. Compared to creating physical models or building a prototype, visualizations are much cheaper and can be created quickly.

In general, architectural visualizations play an important role in the design, marketing and construction of buildings and spaces. They help architects and clients visualize design concepts, obtain planning and approval permits, and effectively communicate design ideas.